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TS Tools

First Set UP

  1. Open a command prompt as admistrator.
    • Go to C:\Rail Utilities\TS-Tools
    • Run Register.bat
    • Run registersp.bat
  2. In options menu, set up paths under "options" tab.
  3. Create an index by "Route Building Tools" -> "Index Route Properties"
  4. In main 'file' menu, Extract all Rolling Stock from all .ap files
  5. In Edit Assets menu:
    • Tick 'Rolling Stock Only'
    • Press Add to list button'
    • wait...
    • Press save stock index
    • Also save list as StockIndex.csv which will be available in the Rail Utilities reports folder

Edit Scenario

  1. "Scenarios -> "Edit Scenarios". If your route does not show, you need to extract the "Route Properties.xml" from the MainContent.ap file in the Railworks\Content\Routes\0000 etc folder.
  2. Run the comand in section 2. above to re-index your routes.

Quick Drive Consists


  1. Create your preload folder under Assetts
  2. Anything you need for your consist that is in a AP file will need to be extracted (as above).
  3. Index your assets and when it's finished, save it. Check what folder it goes into - it needs to be in your assets preload folder.
  4. Go to "build QD consist or fragment.
  5. Double click your components to make your consist.
  6. You might need to flip any driving component to make it driveable (face the right way in the consist)
  7. Build QD consist and fill in the boxes and tick whether drivable or just stock.
  8. If it's drivable, you can select what routes it can be used on, the era, and type of train.
  9. The saved file might need to be moved to your pre-load folder if your options don't have the correct path in "options'.

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